Overall Process & Liawee
The Overall Process and where Liawee Tek smoothens it out !
Water / Waste Water and Environment pollution has alarmed everyone on this planet. Hence stringent environment control & management laws have been put in place. For this very reason, even before you step upon constructing your plant, these clearances need to be obtained.
The Complex Licensing Procedure Dealing with governmental agencies is a tough task. Once you discuss your plans with us, we start working on getting you the clearances to get you going. BUT THE WHOLE PROCESS IS MUCH MORE THAN THIS, IT IS JUST THE BEGINNING. To show the complexities involved, we highlight the stringent measures below:
1. Initially you get the Environmental Clearances and Consent to Establish
2. Once you have put your plant, you need operational clearance.
3. Once you plant becomes operational, you need additional clearances.
4. The process then continues for you to renew the clearances on a Monthly/Quarterly/Six-monthly and Annual periods
Entrepreneur Tasks Our Specialization
A New Project
Arrange Land & Capital
Construction of Building and Installations of Plant & Machinery
Operational Phase
Clearing Regular & Sudden Inspections
Need Approval from MoEF & CPCB, SPCBs.
Guide for Total Pollution Control Equipments and provide those equipments with Liaising & Documentation.
Monthly / Quarterly /Six monthly / annually needed compliances from PCBs & Concerned Departments.
We prepare your compliance – documentation in all respects. We also train your personnel to handle the governmental queries on the regular & sudden inspections.
Not only we build the pollution controlling Equipments, we show how to maintain them. We train your personnel through classroom training and/or on the equipments as and when necessary.
ALSO We can also supply experienced technical persons to maintain plants, and indicate when maintenance routines are needed and when you need spares.