Liawee Tek Private Limited

Lab Testing Facilities

Liawee Tek Laboratories with state of art facility is an integral part of the Liawee Tek group involved in quality laboratory and consultancy services. It is an established name in the field of laboratory studies recognized nationally for its quality, precision and customer service.

Skilled and experienced professionals working round the clock with uncompromising commitment and highest standards of scientific investigation have made the performance standards unparalleled.

Over the years, Liawee Tek laboratories have ably maintained a focused and unbiased professional approach to all assignments.

With a customer-first policy and strict confidentiality, we have reaffirmed the trust of all our clients by successfully retaining them for repeat business.

Analytical Services

  • Water and wastewater Sampling
  • Water and Wastewater Analysis
  • Microbiological Analysis
  • Indoor Air Monitoring
  • Ambient Air Monitoring
  • Stack Monitoring
  • Noise Monitoring
  • Soil and Sludge Analysis
  • Solid Waste and Composite Analysis
  • Lux Monitoring